Become a Member and Make a Difference
As a tBUG member you are standing with us as the change needed for the health of our families and the world.
Currently families are concerned with the price, safety, and access of fresh nutritious food. Your membership is a gift of health for you and your family, as well as families in need. Here, we prioritize uplifting children and youth, providing hands-on teen programs and internships, caring for the earth, and creating food security solutions in our community.
Purchase an annual tBUG garden membership for yourself or pay it forward by gifting a membership. Membership points may be used to select fresh produce, starts, and flowers in season, grown as nature intended. Experience food, health, community and connection at tBUG!
tBUG Garden Membership Options
*We believe in the honor system. Members track their points on our membership clipboard in the greenhouse.